Study Sites
Study Sites
Four candidate study areas have been selected with enthusiastic support from potential host agencies. Depending on funding, FASMEE will conduct at least one large operational burns in the southeastern United States and one in the western United States.
Southeastern US
Candidate locations and host agencies:
Fort Stewart (US Army Installation, SW of Savanna, GA)
Savanna River Site (US Department of Energy, SE of Augusta, SC)
Site specifications
3-5 year rough in southern pine forests, representative of prescribed burning programs in the region
Burn prescription will target a high-intensity surface fire that will contribute to large single plume development
Left panel: 4-year rough in a longleaf pine/loblolly pine forest, Fort Stewart.
Right panel: Large plume development from a large prescribed underburn at Fort Stewart (2015)
Western US
Candidate locations and host agencies:
Richfield Ranger District (Fishlake National Forest, Richfield, Utah)
North Rim Grand Canyon N/Kaibab National Forest (SE of Augusta, SC)
Site specifications
Heavy surface fuel load (>30+ t/a)
High intensity surface and crown fire behavior, leading to large single plume development
Left panel: Smoke plume from a prescribed burn along the North Rim, Grand Canyon NP.
Right panel: Prescribed crown fire in mixed conifer and aspen forests of Fish Lake NF to support aspen regeneration.